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Shadow on Concrete Wall

Mission & vision statement

col · lec · tive (noun)


"A collective is a group of individuals who work together on a common project without relying on internal hierarchies... In collectives, leadership happens naturally and fluidly. All skills and knowledge are shared, not hoarded by an elite. This means that duties and responsibilities can be rotated among a collective’s members and that they can be revoked if anyone starts abusing their power. This horizontal structure is a dynamic and vital way to constantly increase member-empowerment." (source)



Mission statement 


The UHP BIPOC Collective seeks to support and empower Black, Indigenous, and people of color in the University Honors Program. We aim to counteract the program’s past and present neglect and harm by providing community and collective care within a BIPOC-exclusive space.



Vision statement


The UHP BIPOC Collective envisions an equitable and just future where Black, Indigenous, and people of color thrive within institutions of the UHP and beyond. 

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